Camera Rolls 1 & 2 (2018, 3:22, Super 8 Color/BW) 

At once a diary film and an exercise in ephemerality and the passing of time. Two rolls of Super 8 film shot in "bursts" over the course of 4 years, unedited, except to remove unexposed pieces of film. Spanning tens of cities and 2 continents, the film acts like a travelogue over the course of the last few years, capturing a few fleeting moments, many of which had been forgotten until reviewing footage, of friends and places. The end of the film acts as a loop as earlier pieces of mine are repurposed as I reshoot them on my TV screen.


Past Life (January - June) (2019, 3:25, 16mm color)

Available as 16mm print


An abstract narrative, diary film and travelogue reminiscing on the quotidian. My day to day routines and deviations from it are captured as 6 months pass on the screen in a blur. Musique concrète accompanies the visuals taken from vocal samples of myself as a child and repurposed.

Ruminations on nostalgia, film as material and 16mm as a particularly evocative medium with a long history of home movies and nonprofessional filmmaking. The film acts as a document, archiving time and place, as a way for me to recount where and what I did at this point in my life-a point where I still feel an existential drifting and listlessness. Something to look back at and only make sense of after the fact. The environment and seasons change but my walk to work every day doesn't. The images pass as quickly as my memories, with so much sensory overload that much is lost in translation. Some memories can only be discovered again by sifting through the film frame by frame. Time is ephemeral and every day feels shorter.


2019 Save the Archives Film Festival, Milwaukee, WI

2019 ULTRAcinema, Oaxaca, Mexico

2019 CODEC Film Festival, Mexico City, Mexico

2020 Altered Images, London, UK (Postponed)

2020 Media Monsters Live Stream

2020 Evanston Experimental Video Showcase, Evanston, IL

2020 Moviate Underground Film Festival, Harrisburg, PA

2020 Harkat 16mm Film Festival, Mumbai, India

2021 Other Cinema, San Francisco, CA

2022 Short Circuit Films, Brighton, UK

2022 Celluloid Now Open Mic, Chicago, IL

2023 “Anti Premiere” at Employees Only Cine Club, Chicago, IL

2024 Film Diary NYC, New York, NY

Crash Course, Chicago, IL

Film on Film, Sweet Void Cinema, Chicago, IL


50 Frames of Light, Color, Texture (2019, 1:00 loop, 35mm color)

Paintings by Janis Post, rephotographed on 35mm using her 40 year old Nikon SLR and lens. November 14, 2019.


Matón - Notch (2019, 1:35, Super8 BW)

Music video with Super8 from Herb Post, 1957; Phil Cadkin, 1971; Charles Cadkin, 2014 & 2019.